Obras o descubrimientos

Publicado en por iescopernico

Como geógrafo, ejerció también gran influencia sobre la posteridad hasta la época de los grandes descubrimientos geográficos. En su Geografía, obra en ocho volúmenes, se recopilan las técnicas matemáticas para el trazado de mapas precisos mediante distintos sistemas de proyección, y recoge una extensa colección de coordenadas geográficas correspondientes a los distintos lugares del mundo entonces conocido.


Entre las demás obras de Tolomeo figura la Óptica, en cinco volúmenes, que versa sobre la teoría de los espejos y sobre la reflexión y la refracción de la luz, fenómenos de los que tuvo en consideración sus consecuencias sobre las observaciones astronómicas.


Se le atribuye también la autoría de un tratado de astrología, el Tetrabiblos, que presenta las características de otros escritos suyos y que le valió buena parte de la fama de que gozó en la Edad Media.


La obra más importantes de Ptolomeo es el 'Almagesto', un tratado que comprende trece libros. Se traduce como 'La recopilación matemática' pero este título fue reemplazado pronto por otro título griego que significa 'La más grande recopilación'.


El 'Almagesto' es la obra más temprana de Ptolomeo y en ella explica la teoría matemática de los movimientos del Sol, la Luna y los planetas. Ptolomeo hizo su contribución más original al presentar detalles de los movimientos de cada uno de los planetas. El 'Almagesto' no fue destituido de su lugar de privilegio hasta un siglo después de que Copérnico presentara su teoría heliocéntrica en 1543.



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There once was a 12 year old boy on his computer browsing social media. He saw a post about gay pride, and got an idea. In the comment section, he decided to spam racial slurs. Once he pressed enter, he got a huge grin on his face, knowing he owned yet another libtard. After a hard day of work, he went to bed next to his Astolfo body pillow, with a half empty bag of doritos creating a cheesy, crumby mess on his blanket, and awaited the next day. He awoke, covered in grease and sweat, ready for another hard day of work causing liberals to cry. He checked on Reddit, but something was wrong. He was banned on r/wholesome! The boy broke down in tears, proclaiming “This is not wholesome 100!” After the boy cried enough to make even deserts drown, he had a plan. He had to teach the libtards a lesson, to not mess with him again. But what was he to do? “Aha!” He exclaimed. He had the perfect plan. John Fortnite Kennedy had a parade tomorrow, the perfect opportunity to give him the taste of a bullet. The young boy quickly realized he didn’t know how to perform assassinations, so he went on Bing. To his surprise, he had found a hitman, and he was on sale too. The boy sneakily rushed to grab his mother’s credit card. He bought the hitman and sent him a call on Discord.<br /> “Is this mister hitman?” The boy asked. “Big Big Chungus.” The hitman responded. “What is that supposed to mean?” “Big Chungus.” “Is that your name?” “Big Big Chungus.” “Can you game end JFK for me? I kinda sorta really need him dead.” “Big Big Chungus.”<br /> “Thanks, nice talking with you.” “Big Chungus.” The young boy ended the Discord call and went to sleep, awaiting the next day.<br /> <br /> He awoke yet again , almost drowning in a pool of his own grease and bodily fluids, and ran downstairs to turn on the television. He went to channel 34, and saw the parade being broadcasted live. JFK’s smug face was center screen, taking up more space than the young boy’s many confederate flags, which cover the filth that the boy smears on his walls, and also is a natural libtard repellent. JFK’s grin made the young boy irrationally angry. “Just you wait.” The boy thought.<br /> “Soon everyone will bow down to us 4Chan users. Maybe our families will finally love us again.” The boy waited in anticipation, but nothing happened. He was worried. Did Big Chungus scam him? Or? The boy ran down the street and onto the rooftops, where he found Big Chungus laying in a pool of his blood. “Big Chungus?” The boy said. “Big Big Chungus.” Chungus croaked, in pain from the many holes is his body.<br /> “What happened?”<br /> “Big Chungus.” “You were attacked?” “Big Big Chungus.” “The culprit is still here?” “Big Big Chungus.” “I must. I can’t let whoever did this to you get away with it.” “BIG CHUNGUS!!!!!!” With the last of his strength, Big Chungus stood up and pushed the young boy out of the way. A multicolored beam shot out and hit Big Chungus in his head. He was game ended. He sacrificed himself to save the young boy. The young boy wanted to grieve, but there was no time. The culprit was here. He heard footsteps on his left. He turned his head to the left, and there stood the culprit. As soon as he saw the culprit’s face, his jaw reached down far enough to go to the depths of the underworld. Bewildered, he spoke out to the culprit. “Obama?” “Yes it is I, Obama, here to stop you.” “How did you figure out I was here?” “Let’s just say that you weren’t very wholesome 100.” “You meanie poopyhead. You game ended Big Chungus, and now I will game end you.” The boy walked towards Obama with the intent of giving him a reprimanding. Obama spoke to the boy. “Oh? You’re approaching me? Instead of running away, you’re coming right to me? Even though your hitman, Big Chungus, didn’t even stand a chance against my super beam?” “I can’t shout racial slurs at you without getting closer.” “Oh ho! Then come as close as you like.” The boy walked ever closer to Obama, and once The two were five meter apart, Obama fired a multicolored beam, the same as the one which game ended Big Chungus. The boy, surprised, tried to dodge but was grazed in the side. The boy then suddenly spouted blood from the mouth, and writhed in pain. “You were just struck by my super weapon, once it hits any part of your body, it begins to take over, breaking down your body from the inside and turning it into a rainbow.” “Blleghh.” The boy gasped as he could see his fingers changing color to red, blue, green, yellow, so many colors he couldn’t count. Was this where he was to die? “You republicans are always so cocky. You don’t accept people of different races, and really hate gay pride it seems.” “Huh?” The boy thought to himself. “Did he just say gay pride?” “Oh well, it seems this is the end for you.” Obama said. He walked up to the boy, prepared to end his pitiful life. “Time for you to go to the afterlife. Goodby-” “I love men!” The boy shouted. Suddenly, the boy’s skin returned to its normal color and the boy stood up and stabbed Obama straight into the chest. “Gah!! How did you?” Obama gasped. “You talked about me being cocky, but you dropped your guard and revealed your secret. That beam of your is no ordinary beam. As soon as it hits you, you start turning into a rainbow. The true nature of that beam is the gay pride beam. You see, when I was on social media, before I got banned, I saw a post from someone named The Real Obama. The post stated that if I were to become gay, I would be saved. I assumed this to be fake of course, but it seems I was wrong. Now let’s say, hypothetically, that I were to become gay, and say that I like men. That would reverse the effects of the beam, and give me a chance to strike. And you fell for it.” “This is not wholesome 100.” Obama gasped. “Before I die, may you tell me who you are?” “The name’s Ben.” The boy responded. “Ben Shapiro.” The boy said as he walked into the sunset, Obama behind him, with his last breath, gave a thumbs up, and perished. Ben Shapiro had won, and had successfully owned the libtards.
es una muy buena pagina web, me ayudo a hacer un trabajo, ignora los comentarios, aunque son muy graciosos ????????
Buenas! Estoy harto de que no paren de decir que la xbox es superior en hardware, me da igual! Que si gamepass para arriba y gamepass para abajo, me la suda! Que si lo servidores son mejores... y que más da! Soy fan de spidermann desde pequeño y aunque valga 300 euros le compraría igual. Me da igual que ahora Microsoft tenga más estudios de exclusivos que Sony. Me la suda que xbox sea mejor en todo. Viva spidermann!<br /> <br /> Quiero jugar<br /> <br /> A mi videojuego favorito<br /> <br /> Me la suda lo demás<br /> <br /> Que xbox es superior en todo? Me la suda. Spidermann es de play
Buenas! Estoy harto de que no paren de decir que la xbox es superior en hardware, me da igual! Que si gamepass para arriba y gamepass para abajo, me la suda! Que si lo servidores son mejores... y que más da! Soy fan de spidermann desde pequeño y aunque valga 300 euros le compraría igual. Me da igual que ahora Microsoft tenga más estudios de exclusivos que Sony. Me la suda que xbox sea mejor en todo. Viva spidermann!<br /> <br /> Quiero jugar<br /> <br /> A mi videojuego favorito<br /> <br /> Me la suda lo demás<br /> <br /> Que xbox es superior en todo? Me la suda. Spidermann es de play
viva España y viva tu mierda
Pues nada, soy Juan Alberto y me acabo de comprar el minecraft despues de haber jugado desde la version alpha en versión piratilla jeje, pero ya me decidí a comprarlo y jugar online, asi que espero que pasemos un buen rato todos jugando y construyendo! FUCK CREEPERS!